Floor paints have been used for industrial floor marked since years. But what if you get something that’s better and comes with greater benefits? With the advancement of technology, everything has upgraded and works better for everyone around. The same is the case for floor paints. There is a wide array of options available in the market; but, you sure want the one that is the best, right? In such a case, you can close your eyes and trust a floor safety tape in NZ.

These tapes could be used for warehouse floor marking and definitely worth giving a try. In the industrial workplace the disadvantages of floor paints were discovered lately. They do leave quite a smelly fume for a prolonged period of time. Also when it comes to drying up, it does take a lot of time. Hence, one has to wait for a longer time period. This way work is delayed too.

While the tapes that are used for marking the floor are quite beneficial. To get started with, you can utilise it in several areas without any problem. The good part again is they are not time consuming too. Even though the area where it is being used for is quite prone to wear and tear or has high traffic, it will not matter much. This is why it’s quite convenient. It also helps in displaying its strong colour fast. But there is more to it. We have mentioned about its benefits below:

You do not require any extra tool

The very essential point that we cannot miss about these tapes is that you will probably not require any kind of tool when it comes to using it. All that you would require is a tape roll and this is all. You are all ready and set to get your floor marked in the best possible way. The outlook will be highly professional. While if you had chosen floor paint, on the other hand, you would definitely require several equipment for getting the job done successfully, like rollers, brushes, etc.

No time wastage

Unlike the case of floor paints, these tapes ensure that you do not have to wait for a longer time period. Floor paints take time to dry. While in the case of these tapes used for marking, all you have to do is apply it and get set with work. You will get back with your normal tasks and chores immediately after it has been applied.


These tapes are quite capable of providing the floor with high end durability. It does not matter how high the traffic of that area is, it will provide to be lasting and quite durable.